20-12-2013, 01:51 AM
موقع ارسال تمام توصیه نامه ها بر اساس Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 از متقاضی درخواست شده که از حق خودش برای دیدن توصیه نامه صرفنظر کنه. بهتره صرفنظر کرد یا نه؟
students have access to their education record, including letters of recommendation. However, students may waive their right to see letters of evaluation, in which case the letters will be held in confidence.
Do you wish to waive your right to examine this letter of recommendation?
students have access to their education record, including letters of recommendation. However, students may waive their right to see letters of evaluation, in which case the letters will be held in confidence.
Do you wish to waive your right to examine this letter of recommendation?
:Thomas Hobbes
lupus est homo homini
lupus est homo homini